Therapist Directory & LMN Resources

Therapist Directory

  • Physical, occupational, and speech therapists are key people who assist kids and families in accessing adaptive equipment. For help identifying a therapist, check out our Therapist Directory, which includes Early Intervention, school- & community-based therapies by county as well as therapy services offered through area BOCES programs. Download Therapist Directory here.


DME Info Sheets:

Seating, Positioning, & Mobility

DME Info Sheets:

Home Equipment


LMN Checklists


General LMNs

  • Letters of Medical Necessity for AT will vary based on the child's insurance. After a successful trial of a piece of equipment the vendor should be able to provide you with an outline Letter of Medical Necessity with the criteria required based on their insurance.

  • SPIO® has created a Letter of Medical Necessity template for therapists. This template makes LMN’s quick and easy, reducing the time it takes to construct a customized, effective letter. The template includes categorized drop down lists that allow therapists to quickly choose the deficits and functional limitations the child presents with. The template can be customized and used for more than just SPIO!



Quick Links for LMNs