Where to Begin
There’s an infinite amount of adaptive technology (AT) that may be helpful to individuals. AT obtained through insurance is known as Durable Medical Equipment (DME). There’s a limited number of items to pursue through insurance, and this page provides information about how to do so! For equipment that is not covered by insurance, check out More AT
In order to obtain DME you will need a prescription from a medical provider. Usually the insurance company will also require that a licensed therapist (PT, OT or ST) do a formal assessment. This assessment is documented in a “letter of medical necessity” (LMN) that is co-signed by the physician. The DME Vendor rounds out the team by bringing in a certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) to help in the selection of appropriate technology, provide training, and maintain and repair the equipment. The vendor submits paperwork for insurance company review. Once approved the equipment is ordered. Delivery and fitting by the ATP ideally takes place with a PT present. The entire process, start to finish, ideally is completed within about 3 months.
Identifying a therapist is a key step in the DME process. To help with this step, click here for a directory of therapists in our region. It is also important to keep in mind that where equipment is used determines who writes the LMN.
For an overview of the DME process, check out vendor flowsheets below. You can also create an account with your vendor’s online portal system to track in-progress equipment orders. For assistance in identifying a DME vendor to work with, click here.
National Seating and Mobility
Our goal is to make it easier for us to work together on this Community-Wide Quality Improvement Project. We’ve divided this tab into 5 sections:
1. Seating, Positioning, & Mobility
Manual Wheelchair
Info for Therapists/Care Managers
Sample LMN
Power Wheelchair
Info for Therapists/Care Managers
Sample LMN
Activity Chair
Gait Trainer
Info for Therapists/Care Managers
Sample LMN
Bath Chair/Tub Bench
Car Seat
Hoyer Lift
Info for Therapists/Care Managers
Sample LMN
Adaptive Beds
Commode Chair
Info for Therapists/Care Managers
Sample LMN
3. Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Info Sheet for Families
Info for Therapists/Care Managers
Sample LMN